

Devon Railway Centre aspires to offer a friendly, accessible environment for all our visitors and the widest possible access to our trains, buildings and events. Our staff are trained to recognise the needs of all our guests and work hard to ensure all guests with additional needs have a safe and enjoyable visit.

We are based around a former Victorian railway station and we recognise that some areas are more accessible than others.

We offer a reduced price for disabled visitors and their carers. Guests who have the following documentation are entitled to discounted entry and one discounted carer ticket. Please show the relevant paperwork at the ticket office when you buy your ticket.


From the car park (which is laid with loose gravel), there is level access to the ticket office with a small slope which is 810mm wide, or more.

slope down to ticket office from car park

The small entrance gate at the ticket office is side hung and manual. The gate is 870mm wide.



From the ticket office to the train rides, there is level access. The area is fully tarmac and wide. Pathways are clearly defined and signage indicates routes.

Train rides

Both platforms are accessible but the narrow gauge platform is laid to loose stone from the tarmac path. The narrow gauge train has an accessible compartment for wheelchairs and a ramp to access the coach. The ramp width is 720mm. The miniature train coaches are not wheelchair accessible.

Narrow gauge platform


Ramp into narrow gauge coach

The Play Shed

From the ticket office to this area is laid to tarmac and there is level access. The door to the Play Shed is wide at 1500mm and there is seating inside. The soft play area is not supervised and children are their parent’s responsibility. No shoes are allowed in this area and socks must be worn. Socks can be purchased from the shop/ticket office. The play shed is professionally cleaned and has an annual independent safety inspection. It is also subject to a daily clean and inspection by the manager. All inspections are recorded.

Door to The Play Shed


Model Railway

Access to the model railways is level with a small slope up the former railway platform. Platform width is 2000mm, or more with 2 steps up into the coach. Access into the railway coach is 600mm. The model railways are housed in former BR coaches and due to the width of the doors and corridors inside, it is not wheelchair accessible.


Door to model railway exhibition

Buffers Tea Rooms

Access to the tea rooms is level and tarmac with some Victorian paving stones outside the tea rooms. The flooring inside is quarry tiles and all three areas are level. Door widths are 800mm wide. There are no steps to get a table. We cater for vegetarian, vegan and gluten free specific diets. Buffers tea rooms serves freshly cooked light lunches, cakes, drinks and ice creams.

Dining area in Buffers Tea Rooms


Indoor Play Coaches

Access to this area is level with 2 steps up into the coach. Access door is 600mm. The indoor play coaches are housed in former BR coaches and due to the width of the doors, they are not wheelchair accessible.

Drive Your own Rides

The drive your own tram is for children aged 10 and under and there is level access on tarmac pathways. There are two seats inside the tram. Children must be supervised whilst operating this ride.

interior of Drive your own Tram

The space orbiters are located below the level platform. They are accessed via a flight of steps which are 920mm wide. Children must be supervised whilst operating this ride.

Steps to Space Orbiter ride

The drive your own cars are for children aged 10 and under. There is level access but there is a step at the entrance to the ride which is 1100mm wide, or more. Children must be supervised whilst operating this ride.

Drive Your own Car area with step at entrance

Outdoor play areas

Two of our play areas are laid on level areas and access to them is tarmac or brick pavers. One play area has a permanent rubber safety surface and the other has bark chippings. There is a step into one of these areas to access the equipment. The third play area is located on our picnic site and has a grass surface beneath. Access to this play area is by train and the pathways are laid to bark chippings. The width of the pathway is 1020mm or more. There are two gates to cross the railway line which are kept closed for safety. The width of these gates is 950mm. Surface over the railway tracks is laid to concrete. There is a short slope down to the play area. Children should be supervised when using all of our play areas. Our play areas are independently inspected by ROSPA annually and safety inspections take place by a manager on a daily basis. All inspections are recorded.

Play area with permanent rubber surface


Play area with bark chippings

Step into play area

Play area at picnic site

Model Village

Access to this area is level and the walkways are laid to tarmac. The width of the walkways are 1200mm wide, or more. The model village is accessible for wheelchair users. Push buttons are installed at a height for all to use.

Pathway to model village


Push button at model village


Access to this area is along a former railway platform with a short permanent slope at one end and a small flight of steps at the other. There are 2 steps up into the railway coach which is 600mm wide. The museum is housed in former BR coaches and due to the width of the doors, are not wheelchair accessible.

Entrance door to museum


Steps from platform by museum

Picnic Site

The picnic site is located alongside the River Exe and is grassed. There are a number of picnic tables available. Access to this area is by train only. Pathways are laid to bark chippings and gravel. Width of pathways are 1020mm or more. There are two gates to pass through over the railway line. The surface is laid to concrete and the gate width is 950mm. These gates are kept closed for safety.


The accessible toilet is located alongside the tea rooms and is on level ground laid to brick pavers. There is a ramp to the door which is 1120wide. The toilet door is 1020mm wide. The direction of transfer is to the left. There is 720mm at the side of the toilet. There is 2060mm in front of the toilet. The toilet seat is 460mm high. The toilet has hand rails. There is a basin with a lever tap. There is an emergency pull cord alongside the toilet. The toilet is also used as a baby changing area.

Disabled toilet ramp

Disabled toilet interior
